Battle Arena: RPG Adventure

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Tentang game ini

Battle Arena: Heroes Adventure takes the best from roleplaying games and multiplayer online battle arenas with a good mix of action. Show off your combat skills and cool strategies, build an invincible hero team, destroy hordes of enemies in exciting missions, and join other guildmasters in a realtime PvP mode—war of guilds!
Download the game for free and embark on an epic RPG adventure!

Realtime PvP battles!
Challenge mobile gamers from all over the world. Crush your enemies in the battle arena and rise to the top.
Come up with unique offensive and defensive strats for online PvP battles—powerful heroes alone will only carry you so far.

Build your own team!
Choose from over 50 heroes—some of these might even remind you of your favorite characters from movies, books, and other games.
Make a balanced team and upgrade your heroes' equipment and skills—this is key to winning online battles in this brand new RPG. Upgrade your gear and embark with your friends on epic quests. Win awesome daily contests that will allow you to upgrade your magic warriors, or join your guild in a full-scale battle against a powerful boss. Power up by battling monsters or shopping for cool upgrades.

Excellent graphics!
Over 60 awesome never-before-seen locations, ranging from the mysterious city of Atlantis to the wintry gnome cliffs. Choose from a huge selection of heroes with a wide array of gorgeously rendered abilities and attacks. Be it cute or strong, there's something here for everyone!

Play the game with your friends for free! All you need is an Internet connection.
Invite other players to join your clan and trade heroes and items with your friends.
Chat, share your strats, and battle other players in one mobile game.

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Diupdate pada
20 Des 2024
Tersedia di
Android, Windows

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Rating dan ulasan

71,9 rb ulasan
Kiko Koki
8 November 2024
Setelah aku agak ngerti mainya ternyata seru jg gamenya. Cmn ngedapetin hero nya jgn lama2 sih. Mkasih. Maaf ya komen yg dulu itu saat emosi aja krna kalah mulu heee. Tingkatkn lgi aku ska gamenya. Bintang uda ku kasih 4 dulu.
48 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
18 Agustus 2022
Dear player, thank you for your feedback! We appreciate your opinion, and we keep making the game better for you! Please tell us your ideas on [email protected], we will be glad to know about your wishes about the game!
Andre Yan
18 Februari 2021
Tolong hilangkan sistem energy, karna lama menunggu nya, dan hilangkan sistem menaikan level hero sesuai level player , karna menjadi tidak bisa menaikan level hero karna di batasi level player, itu menyusahkan, tidak bisa lanjut stage , masuk donguon juga susah harus menunggu level player tinggi, baru bisa mengimbangi kekuatan lawan, kan konyol !!!!
188 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
19 Februari 2021
Dear player, thank you for the feedback! We appreciate your ideas, and we will try to think about them in the next updates! Thank you for help in improving the game.
Pengguna Google
29 November 2018
Lumayan, leveling gampang. Masalahnya skill pointnya terbatas banget, udah gitu lama nunggu ngisinya. Tolong buat stamina, point skill, sama reward arena jangan terlalu lama waktu buat isi ulangnya. Bosen nunggu.
122 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
29 November 2018
Ahmad , thank you for the feedback! ;)We appreciate your idea, and we will try to think about it in the next updates ;)Thank you for help in improving the game :)

Yang baru

Hai, Teman-teman!
Kami ingin meningkatkan dan mengoptimalkan game kami.
Dalam pembaruan ini, kami telah memperbaiki bugs dan meningkatkan performa game.
Sampai jumpa di Arena!