Ready? Block? Go! Craft and grow your own village or build freely in an unlimited open world!
Features: • Fun building game: Lots of different constructions. Build a house, a castle, a mine or even a spaceship and the Eiffel Tower! • Simulate the best life it's a fun simulator game! • Lots of pixels: enjoy the special pixel graphics. • Choose your character! • Animals adopt and play with animals! It's fun!
Highlights: Amazing buildings in 3D Play now one of the best construction games!
Lots of Pets and free exploration Play with pets! Adopt a dog, a cat or even an elephant! Unlike other block games, there are no monsters in Block Craft 3D: you can focus on constructing the best buildings or exploring the world.
Multiplayer game: visit your friends Start the exploration! You can visit the city built by your friends (or foes) and help them finish their construction. Multiplayer is so much fun!
Create and sell In Block Craft, no need for mods, launchers, or PE. You can create custom blocks, craft special furniture, or complete a blueprint of a building! And even better: sell those and receive lots of gems!
Not so creative? In Block Craft 3D, no need for maps, just visit the village of your friends to get new ideas and follow the blueprints and guides to easily build fantastic constructions.
Try this simulator now and have fun building your city!
Block Craft 3D: Free Building is brought to you by Fun Games for Free, creator of the 100+ Million downloads games Flight Pilot Simulator, Sniper 3D, and Sniper Shooter.
Öryggi hefst með skilningi á því hvernig þróunaraðilar safna og deila gögnunum þínum. Persónuvernd gagna og öryggisráðstafanir geta verið breytilegar miðað við notkun, svæði og aldur notandans. Þetta eru upplýsingar frá þróunaraðilanum og viðkomandi kann að uppfæra þær með tímanum.
Þetta forrit kann að deila þessum gagnagerðum með þriðju aðilum.
Staðsetning, Forritsupplýsingar og afköst og Tæki eða önnur auðkenni
Þetta forrit kann að safna þessum gagnagerðum
Staðsetning, Persónuupplýsingar og 4 í viðbót
Gögn eru dulkóðuð í flutningum
Þú getur beðið um að gögnum sé eytt
Sjá upplýsingar
Einkunnir og umsagnir
2,21 m. umsagnir
Tinna Arnarsdóttir
Merkja sem óviðeigandi
12. febrúar 2022
Maður getur ekki farið hátt með klúbbana 🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧
7 aðilum fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg
Flosi Sölvason
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Victoría Líf Hermannsdóttir
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10. janúar 2021
Amazing gameeeeee!!!!
27 aðilum fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg
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