Bring! Grocery Shopping List

광고 포함인앱 구매
리뷰 13.9만개
콘텐츠 등급
USK: 전체이용가
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앱 정보

Make grocery planning a piece of cake with Bring! – the best shopping list app for creating and sharing grocery store lists. It’s free and available for all devices including Wear OS.

Create a shopping list now and plan your family grocery shopping with your household.

Here’s why Bring! is the perfect app for you:

1. Your food shopping lists available whenever and wherever you need them
With Bring!, your grocery & shopping list is always at your fingertips and you can add items at any time. So, no more forgotten groceries!

2. Share your grocery shopping list in real time
Say goodbye to paper lists, misunderstandings and duplicate purchases! Set up shared grocery lists with your loved ones, roommates or colleagues, and plan your shopping together. Thanks to automatic notifications, the whole household is kept informed about any changes to the list.

3. Easy input via voice command or smart search
Create Bring! grocery shopping lists in no time using the smart search function, which automatically completes your entry and offers personalized product recommendations. Or you can simply create your free shopping list via voice command!

4. Add details and quantities
Avoid buying the wrong products by adding descriptions, quantities or even your own photos to the items on your free grocery list.

5. Automatically organized lists
The grocery shopping app saves you time while shopping by automatically grouping and organizing the items on your list. You can also customize the product categories in the app to match the aisles in your supermarket.

6. Discover and save tasty recipes
Get inspired by a variety of seasonal, healthy, quick and family-friendly recipes. Save your favorites to create your very own recipe book.

7. Import ingredients from online recipes
With just one click, you can import recipe ingredients from websites to your Bring! free grocery list with sync. The recipes are automatically saved in your recipe book, where you can access them at any time.

8. Make your grocery shopping more sustainable
With seasonal food recommendations, the app can help you make more sustainable choices when planning your groceries and creating free shopping lists.

9. Take advantage of special offers
Save money with the latest offers and ads from stores near you. You can bookmark your favorite stores and, if you like, you can choose to receive notifications about the best deals.

10. Better overview thanks to multiple free grocery lists
Create shared shopping lists for different stores, special occasions or different groups of people (e.g. a family shopping list, for your office, etc.)

11. All your loyalty cards at your fingertips
Store your loyalty cards securely and centrally in your Bring! wallet.

12. The free grocery shopping list app that’s tailored to your preferences
Customize the app by choosing between dark or light mode, and between tile or list view. Add your own items, choose various templates and customize the layout of your grocery store lists.

The Bring! easy grocery list organizer turns shopping into a smooth and stress-free experience. Get the free shopping list app now and easily create shared grocery lists from wherever you are. You can use the Bring! grocery shopping app for free on your smartphone, tablet or Apple Watch, or as the web version. Your shared digital shopping lists are available wherever and whenever you need them, making forgotten groceries a thing of the past. Bring! grocery list maker saves you time, money and stress.

Tip: you can also add your free grocery list to your iPhone home screen with the handy Bring! iOS widgets.

We’re grateful for your feedback on the Bring! grocery shopping list app and welcome any suggestions for improvement. Contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or need support.

The Bring! team

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2025. 1. 20.

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평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 13.5만개
2024년 4월 7일
Let this work on my mac and windows please. This is quite fine, though need a more approachment to access easily. Consider me.
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
Bring! Labs AG
2024년 4월 10일
There is already a Web App of Bring which you can use on your PC or Mac. Just as a warning, the web app is still in beta and does not have all the functions of the app.
Google 사용자
2016년 10월 2일
원하던 기능이 다 있어요 특히 쇼핑리스트를 다른사람들과 실시간으로 공유할수 있어서 중복되게 구입하지않게 해주고, 사진도 보낼수 있어서 같은종류의 아이템이라도 본인이 원하는 제품을 확실히 알려줄수 있어서 좋아요
사용자 10명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
Google 사용자
2016년 5월 28일
뿌듯하고 보람찬 활용 방안이 떠오르지만 친구들을 어떻게 끌어다 놓을까 하는 점에서 의문점이 떠올라 아쉽다. 계륵?
사용자 13명이 이 리뷰가 유용하다고 평가함
이 리뷰가 유용했나요?

새로운 기능

We have bravely fought against small, annoying bugs and protected the veggies and fruits on your shopping list from being infested. You can continue to shop unhindered – completely pest-free! Have fun!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]