A Google user
Pretty fun little game, but the slow grind, repetitive gameplay, and skyrocketing build requirements kill the otherwise okay pacing. Controls have response issues, performance is generally clean, but lag spikes still show up every now and then. If this game had actual maps instead of just randomly-generated rooms, there would be more of an incentive to keep going. But as it is, the game feels like it really wants you to visit the pricey premium shop...
13 people found this review helpful
Reality Squared Games
May 14, 2022
Dear Hero, there are many gifts in the game. You can get many items for free. Also, it gives a guarantee of in-game drops of draws. Wish you have a blast~
-L -
it's a fun game with nice art and a decent fighting system, but the progression gets very complicated very quickly. there are about fifty different currencies and in-game shops and the only two options out of confusion are effectively studying the game and copying other players or spending money all the time. Fun for a few weeks, afterwards not casually playable.
Reality Squared Games
April 26, 2023
Thank you for your review! If you have any suggestions on how we could improve and enhance your user experience, please don't hesitate to share them with us.
Nobody Here
I wanted to like this game, I did try so hard to. I loved the art style, and the little pixel art is what drew me to it originally, but the lack of story and just repetitive gameplay didn't appeal to me. I found it tiring to continue as it was the same thing for the first 20 levels, which is a bummer considering the introduction was actually interesting. May revisit later if a storyline is added, but otherwise? Probably not.
1 person found this review helpful